Ph.D. Candidate position:

Evaluation of ML Models for Learning Analytics

Overview of the position

Research description


  • Various types of algorithmic biases influence the behavior of machine learning (ML) models, leading to inaccuracies or even unfairness in their applications.
  • It is essential to study properties of biases to better understand them, and, as a result, inform stakeholders and decision-makers about how to mitigate the issues.


  • Systematically evaluate ML models for learning analytics, specifically:
    • Explore data biases and data augmentation in real-world datasets.
    • Investigate method biases within ML models.
    • Analyze the ML model sensitivity across various practical use cases.

Methods and tasks

  • Experimentally manipulate the ML model training data, inputs, and parameters to observe changes in model properties.
  • Conduct power analysis with authentic datasets from exercises in cybersecurity (and possibly other domains).
  • Evaluate the model behavior within practical applications for hands-on training in cybersecurity (and possibly other domains).

Examples of related publications

Target publication venues

  • International conferences: LAK, EDM, AIED, SIGCSE, ITiCSE, ICER…
  • International journals: JLA, IJAIED, BJET, Computers and Education…

Context and people

Selected international collaborators

  • University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Michigan State University, USA
  • Kyushu University, Japan
  • University of South Australia, Australia


  • Master's degree in a related discipline (e.g., computer science).
  • IT skills: Python, ML, Git, and LaTeX.
    • Some level of practical experience, not only theoretical knowledge, is required.
      • Basic proficiency should be sufficient to apply.
  • English language skills: at least upper-intermediate level (B2) or higher.

If you have any questions or wish to apply

  • Email Valdemar Švábenský:
    • Subject: “Ph.D. position in learning analytics”.
    • Attach your CV/résumé (PDF file, max. 2 pages, including 2–3 reference contacts).
  • Applicants will be expected to complete a practical assignment on the topic to demonstrate the required skills.
    • The assignment will be specified upon application.
    • This requirement may be exceptionally waived if the applicant already has outstanding prior track record related to the topic (e.g., own open-source software projects, research experience, and ranked publications).

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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