Our project portfolio reflects our commitment to collaborative and multidisciplinary research.
CHESS – Cyber-security Excellence Hub in Estonia and South Moravia
The Cyber-security Excellence Hub in Estonia and South Moravia will integrate leading cybersecurity institutions and capitalize on the strengths of both regions to address important Europe-wide challenges. South Moravia is a major ICT industry & education powerhouse of the Czech Republic, with a very focused and coherent smart specialization strategy targeting cybersecurity. Estonia is among the most advanced digital societies globally, with exceptional e-government deployment – which, however, makes it vulnerable to various cyber threats. CHESS will directly follow the strategies and roadmaps of the European Cybersecurity Competence Pilots and build on the experience of CHESS partners involved in all four of these pilots, contributing to safe transition of the EU to full-scale digital society.
INJECT – Intelligent Tools for Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Tabletop Exercises
The project aims at preparing, conducting, and evaluating tabletop exercises for managing cybersecurity crises and solving incidents that endanger critical information infrastructure. The exercises enhance professional skills, decision-making, and communication of technical and non-technical experts on the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. The project researches and develops tools that innovate the format and methods of conducting the exercises, focusing on their repeatability, scalability, and authenticity. The tools will enable conducting advanced exercises based on predefined scenarios and the interaction of training participants with simulated incident actors. The tools will boost the effectiveness of exercise organization by automated data analysis and machine learning.
AI-Dojo – Multiagent Testbed for Research and Testing of AI-driven Cybersecurity Technologies
AI-Dojo is a testbed for the research and development of cybersecurity technologies using artificial intelligence (AI). It allows to deploy, modify, and test solutions using AI and evaluate their behavior. AI-Dojo simulates and emulates real systems, allows building optimal attack and defense strategies, and analyzes the effects of AI misuse against IT infrastructure. AI-Dojo monitors and visualizes events within the testbed. It is possible to involve a human in the interactions as an attacker or defender and train the management of threats abusing AI or model the organization's cybersecurity processes. AI-Dojo contributes to a better understanding of AI technologies and finding ways to better secure conventional information systems against AI-based cyberattacks.
ALBINE – Algorithmic Biases in Machine Learning Models in Education
In machine learning (ML), algorithmic bias can arise at any stage of the modeling pipeline, substantially influencing the resulting models. Previous research observed instances of bias in data and commonly used techniques. However, past work did not describe how the bias changes when parts of the ML pipeline are modified. This project aims to conduct sensitivity analysis of supervised ML models. It will investigate which model properties are influenced by which changes in the underlying data and algorithmic pipeline.
Finished Projects
Here is the list of the projects that we successfully finished in the past.
C4e – CyberSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Information Infrastructures Center of Excellence (MŠMT OP VVV)
The CyberSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Information Infrastructures Center of Excellence connects research teams at Masaryk University and research complex issues in cyberspace. C4e focuses primarily on research into the technical and non-technical aspects of cyber security under the three pillars of cyber security, the security of critical information infrastructures, and related legal issues. We address the areas of simulation and virtualized environments, analysis of cybersecurity threats, and cybersecurity education.
CONCORDIA – Cyber security cOmpeteNCe fOr Research anD InnovAtion (Horizon 2020)
The CONCORDIA project formed a dedicated consortium of international partners to integrate Europe’s excellent cybersecurity competencies into the network of expertise to build the European secure, resilient and trusted ecosystem. The purpose is to promote Europe's digital sovereignty, to help the EU retain and develop the cybersecurity technological and industrial capacities necessary to secure its Digital Single Market, boost security and improve quality of life.
KYPOLAB – Research of New Technologies to Increase the Capabilities of Cybersecurity Experts (MV ČR)
The goal of this project is to research methods and develop software for enhancing cybersecurity knowledge and skills. The software will enable designing and running a new format of hands-on training using cybersecurity games. Automation and adaptivity of the learning process within these games will individualize the training and increase the number of trainees. The results of the project will be used to improve the competencies of experts who are in charge of securing the Czech cyberspace.
NC3 – National Cybersecurity Competence Centre (TA ČR – National Competence Centers)
National Cybersecurity Competence Centre has been established in response to growing demands for practically applicable products and solutions for ensuring cybersecurity of critical and noncritical information infrastructures.
We research and create tools for simulation and testing manufacturing execution systems and detecting errors threatening their functionality, stability, and security. We build digital twins and secure manufacturing execution systems.
CyberSec4Europe – Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe (Horizon 2020)
CyberSec4Europe is a Horizon 2020 pilot project by a pan-European research-based consortium with 43 participants from 22 countries. It will test and demonstrate potential governance structures for the network of cybersecurity competence centers using the best practice examples from the expertise and experience of the participants, including concepts like CERN.
At the Faculty of Informatics, the project is led by the Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security (CRoCS) in collaboration with the Cybersecurity Laboratory. The research work carried out by our laboratory involves an open portable virtual lab environment for cybersecurity education and validation.
For more information about cybersecurity H2020 pilot projects, see the infographic.